This week I have seen numerous videos and read multiple posts where people are struggling to describe a ‘short’. In stock market terminology, what is a short? Some Basics People understand the process of investing in a company stock to mean an investors money is exchanged for a share or interest in a company. The […]
Archives for January 2021
Yet Another Gatekeeper and Interesting Macro Trends
Gatekeeper A person who controls access to something such as a gate, or in modern times, status, category based on credentials of those seeking entry. In 2020 a gatekeeper may have been represented by a company’s greeter who told you to mask up and use hand sanitizer before entering. Backstory In the past two weeks […]
Smart Money, Gifts, And Avoiding Small Losses Of Capital
Use your gift cards. Non-redemption is referred to as gift card breakage. That could be your grandmothers money!