Your bank is a retail outlet. As you walk in the front door realize it is the same as walking into your favorite retail store. Complete with salespeople with their latest offerings. Unbank.
Where The Unconventional and Little Known Magic Happens
Charlie – Update on BC Man’s Steps in Securing His Financial Future
Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. Dalai Lama Last time we met with Charlie he was feeling like he has lost complete control of his life and finances. His employment status was uncertain as he had been informed that his position was eliminated by his employer as […]
Our need for safety and security can override all other needs. Need for safety and security could be fear driven. How do you tell?
It is our hope that you can use the information available here in a way which accelerates your path to financial independence and freedom. Possibly using the information to avoid some of the difficult lessons along the way and recover more quickly from potential setbacks. We feel it is important that people develop a strong […]
Your Personal Vision The Recipe To Inspired Action
Create your Personal Vision, the recipe to winning through inspired action.
Meet Charlie
In a high stress job, earning high income, paying maximum taxes and support while assigned unequal division of family debt by the courts has left him tied to obligations on a shoestring budget. In British Columbia, a man we will call Charlie, 44, is a Senior Manager in a large corporation. Now single, 35% of […]